Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Leviticus 26.Moslems are the weapon of punishment, White man. REPENT.

Islam and it's adherents - the followers of the Mohammedean religion - are the weapon of choice of Yahweh - God to thoroughly punish the White, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and kindred True Israel folk.

Who are the Moslems?

They are beasts of the field.

When referring to Adam. the Hebrew always says "THE AWDAWM" (the White Man). When speaking of his descendants, the Hebrew just uses the word "AWDAWM" (White Man). Another word from the Hebrew is "ENOSH" which is used to imply an inferior, evil or wicked man, and is also used when referring to a pre-Adamic man. Psalms 10: 18: "To judge the fatherless, and the oppressed, that the ENOSH MAN may no more oppress. " Proverbs 28: 5: "Evil men (ENOSH MEN) understood not justice, but they that seek the Lord understands all things. " A third Hebrew word for man is "ISH" (female "ISHA"). Most translators completely ignore these words and use the word MAN for all three of them.

In the first Chapter of Genesis we find the word "day." This is incorrectly translated from the Hebrew word "YOME," which, like the Greek word "EON," means ERA or AGE, not a twenty-four hour day. The six days (ages) could have extended over several million years; no one knows exactly. During the first four days (ages) God properly arranged this planet and provided it with every element essential to support plant, animal and human life. He re-formed it in an orderly manner, after having previously caused a great destruction of It, and ruin, which is referred to in the Bible as "void."

On the fifth day (age) God created fish and fowl. He blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let fowl multiply in the earth. " On the sixth day (age) God said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature, after its kind, and it was so. " Then He continues (still the sixth day) "and God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. " REMEMBER THE LAST SIX WORDS, THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT.

And on the seventh day (age) "God ended His work which he had made; and He rested on the seventh day (age) from all His work which He had made. "

The seventh day (age) passes and the ages are no longer numbered, but eight usually follows seven, so I believe we can safely assume we are now in the eighth day (age). Gen. 2: 5 says, "...and there was not an AWDAWM (White Man) to till the ground. " The sixth day (age) creation were not tilling the ground; no agriculture, no progress, no civilization. They were just warriors and hunters eating food from the land that God had provided. A superior type of man was needed to bring forth God's Kingdom on this earth.

In Genesis 2: 7-8, the word "create" is not used; this time it says God "formed" Adam (THE AWDAWM) of the dust (elements) of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and THE AWDAWM becomes a living soul. God breathed His Living Spirit into him and THE AWDAWM became His physical offspring, an infinitesimal piece of God Himself. Adam passed this LIVING SPIRIT on to you, his White children.

Gen. 2:18-23: "And the Lord God said, It is not good that THE AWDAWM should be alone. I will make him an help-mate fit for him."


So God brought all these Pre-Adamic creations, including the beast of the field before THE AWDAWM who named them but could not f i nd n help-mate fit for him. Do you believe for one moment that God expected Adam to find a wife among the four legged beasts of the field? I doubt if even a college professor would believe that. These beasts of the field were the two legged, articulate members of the beast creation. The PRE-ADAMIC colored races were not fit to mate with Adam.
Paul states in his first Epistle to the Corinthians, "All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of THE AWDAWM, another flesh of beasts, another of fish and another of birds".(by the way, this verse alone completely refutes evolution). 
Pastor Comparet.

So, White man, the Moslem is not our "blood and kin", his ancestors are not ours. He is an animal, a "Beast of the Field" like a Bear, Lion, Rat or Buzzard. And just as amoral, devoid of sentience (free will, capacity of free thought), and brutally cruel by his innate nature. It is not his fault, that's just the way things are. 

(Gen 1:25 [EBR])
And God made the wild–beast of the land, after its kind, and the tame–beast, after its kind, and every creeping thing of the ground, after its kind. And God saw that it was, good.

And the White man's rejection of Yahweh-God was forseen by Him: he promises retribution upon the head of White men and women (the TRUE Israel of the Holy Bible) if they do what we have done here in the Western Nations - created idols, worshipped false gods, and for gotten his commandments. 

Islam is a scourge to punish White men. Repentance is the only way. 

Leviticus 26  (Rotherham Emphasized Bible) 
21 If, therefore, ye will go in opposition to me, And not be willing to hearken unto me, Then will I yet further plague you seven times, according to your sins;  22 And will send among you the wild–beast of the field, And it shall rob you of your children, And cut off your cattle, And make you few in number; And your roads shall be silent.

A gang of Asian men went on trial yesterday accused of a sickening catalogue of child prostitution offences against vulnerable teenage girls as young as 13.
The nine – six are married and one is a grandfather – face 55 charges, including inciting child prostitution, grooming and rape between 2007 and 2009.
The girls – who cannot be named for legal reasons –  were said to have received cash, alcohol, drugs, meals and mobile phone credit in exchange for sex with some of the defendants.
Three of the men – Ahdel Ali, 23, his brother Mubarek Ali, 28, and Tanveer Ahmed, 39 – allegedly acted as ‘pimps’, passing two of the young girls among their friends and using them as sexual commodities.
Mubarek Ali is also accused of trafficking one of the girls, while Abdul Rouf, 34, and Mohammed Younis, 59, are accused of using their homes as brothels for child prostitution.
Deborah Gould, prosecuting, said: ‘The Crown say that the men in the dock variously trafficked, raped or sexually abused girls both over and under the age of 16 years over a considerable period of time.
‘These men ensnared these girls. They had cars, jobs and money which gave them both freedom and power. They enticed the girls, groomed the girls and then exploited them either for their own sexual gratification or for money.’

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Islam the official "United Nations religion of peace" (c) (tm)

 Islam is nothing more than the muscle of the Illuminated ones, the global Elite. This religion is  man made - a mixture of heretical Christianity, Talmudism, Greek philosophy and local pagan moon worship - given to these barbarous and bestial beings to act as a counterweight to those demanding liberty and freedom.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just what does the NWO have planned for us?

Remember what was said above.

What Doctor Duke has to say in the following is as true for Great Britain or Ireland as it is for the USA. latinos spew across the Rio Grande in Texas, Moslems and Negroes vomit themselves to the beaches of Greece, Italy and Spain.

The white people of the planet are being simply outbred, with the dark races who have immigrated to the white nations funded to destroy the white nations with the most serious weapon : the womb of Islamic, Latino and Negro women.

I'm no fan of Hitler, but the history of WW2 poses some interesting conundrums. .

What is Christianity? Not the trash peddled by the men in dog collars and black robes, but the truthful, biblical Christian man and woman's faith?

Much of what you've been taught about the Bible, God, History, Civilization - it's been a LIE.

More? Here:


Who are the Jews?

What is the great Jewish conspiracy that people believe exists?

Why did we end up with Stalin as an ally in WW2?

Who are the liberals and socialists, and what is their purpose?

Rome, Vatican or Babylonian Mystery?